Tuesday, June 11, 2013

EDUC 6816 Week 4 - Activity #1

I looked at these three TrackStar activities:

Is No Child Left Behind Working?
Drawing Conclusion on Bilingual Education 
Is Time Travel Possible?

I think they could be useful to students to help lead them through the process of validating information and triangulating information from various sources. I liked (and learned) more from the interactive elements of each... I think this activity could be useful.  I do think for most of my students, the trackstar will need to be fleshed out more... less steps within one frame (which I was even getting confused on what to do when). I really geeked out on the Time Travel one!

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to use a Wikipage with my elementary students but I loved the lesson idea that you found on the Canterbury Tales. For my own students, Wikis would be a great tool for collaborative writing assignments. Stories could be created by the entire class or by groups of students. Wikis are definitely tools I would consider implementing in my classroom. Nice job! :)
