Sunday, June 23, 2013

EDUC 6816 - TrackStar Final

What are the strengths of your TrackStar in terms of promoting content learning and information literacy?
Because I teach such a large range of subjects, I am always trying to find ways to double-dip (in a good way!). In this TrackStar I am promoting job searching skills, while teaching a major component of a computer certification my students can receive. Getting a job is a MAJOR goal of my SPOKES class and this Trackstar addresses how my student's Facebook/Social Media profiles can help or hurt that. One of the computer certifications my students' can earn is called "Living Online." One whole section is called "Qualifying the Information" and student's must know how to evaluate information  online in order to pass the certification test.

How does your TrackStar differ from typical classroom research projects and how does it better prepare students for research in the workplace.
I really tried to address the relevance and validity of each website. I think this will better prepare students for the workplace because they will have more experience being able to identify how to find information that will get them to their goal in a more efficient manner.

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