Sunday, June 23, 2013

EDUC 6809 - Interview Transcript & Categories

 This week I interviewed my son for the Media Ecology Case Study assignment.

Read the transcript here.

I identified statements and categories for the paper. Here they are:

Hanging Out:

V: Do you know other people who do this (play
    A: Yes.
V: Can you elaborate?
    A:I only remember one, which is Kyle.... Kyle... and Isaac play.
V: Does Aiden play?
     A: Aiden's only seen it but he hasn't played it.

V: Do you know other people that do this (play Minecraft)?
    A: My best friend Aiden, Tucker, Isaac and that's it.

 V: Okay, well… you were the one that taught me how to craft things, because I didn't know… do you remember that?
         A: yey.
V: So, How did you learn to craft?
       My best friend Aiden taught me.

V: Okay, well Thanks.
    A: There's one more thing I want to tell you
V: Okay.
    A: The creator of Minecraft is Nach.
V: It's who?
V:How do you know that?
    A: Aiden.
V: Aiden?
    A: (looking over at my notes) NACH is spelled N-A-C-H by the way.

                          Messing Around:

V:What is your favorite thing to do on the computer?
    A: Play video games.

I learned from my lego club magazine which I got from my neighbors. And I probably got MonkeyQuest from a Commercial - don't you think?

A: Believe or not, You know what's funny though: is educated (educational)...Because it has some learning games in it....There's a lego thing called lego bricks and more and its for kids that are really young who can play this and they can learn things from that site. Like they can learn how to build.

V: Um, your favorite thing to do on the computer is to play video games. You like Monkeyquest and
         A:…And minecraft. Add that in there.
V: oh, and Mine craft. But you play mine craft on the iPad.
            A:  But it counts as a computer.

V: Do you usually play on survival mode or creative mode? What's your favorite one to play
    A: Creative

Why is it your favorite game?
    A: Because the object is to create.

Geeking Out

Tell me about what you like about them.
             A: All the action.
V: Okay. What do you mean by Action? Can you describe the action? What is it you like about the action?
A: Because you have to run from enemies sometimes That's for Monkeyquest. For Minecraft, here's what I call some action: you are chopping down a tree and a Creeper comes and blows you up.

V: Oh really, what do you mean by Spawn?
    A: Make them appear in world.
How do you do that?
By Going to a place with the three dots - well, in your inventory. - go all the way down to the bottom and the last four things tap them all with your finger and then they'll show up on your bottom line then take the X button to get out of inventory then tap on the one you want to spawn and then wherever you touch the animal spawns.
V: How'd you learn to do that?
Right after I got the update, I was, I wanted to try out the new things. and then I went to the bottom and tapped them all.

V:Well why is Minecraft your favorite
    A: Because its pixelly and 3D all at the same time

(I also think the N-A-C-H quote could go here too - completely geeky that he cared so much that I spelled the creator of minecraft's name right!)


 V: How would you like to use the computer at school?
A: Anything you want, anytime you want. And, It'd be cool, like,  if you were able to download games and stuff.
V: Do you think teachers would let you use the computer to do those things?
    A: No.
V: Why? or Why not?
Because most things we would probably do (on the computer) are uneducated, right Mom?

A: we use it for video games at school, believe it or not.
V: What kinds of video games do you use at school?
    A: Aquity, cool math, and on free play - anything  educated related. Or if you ask you are able to go on anything you want to. (laugh)


It was pretty fun to interview my son for this project - he loved getting to help me with my homework!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent classification of your son's out-of-school literacy practices! I'm looking forward to seeing what research articles you use to show how his literacy practices could connected to learning in school. I would focus on the messing around with I think there is research that this kind of Play can support the development of visual spatial thinking which is foundational for mathematical and scientific thinking!
