Sunday, June 2, 2013

EDUC 6809 - Multigenre and Mulitmodal Textual Lineage

This was fun to make, but after I watched it a couple times, I realized that the three things that were memorable to me were all a bit on the geeky side! Oh well. I also used a video clip, and music that are both copyrighted... I wasn't sure that was allowable, but I felt it was necessary to get across the vision and meaning I wanted to convey. So, I used it, and cited all media sources. If I need to revise, I will do so.

It is embedded below... and this is the direct link, just in case:


  1. I am a self-proclaimed movie junkie! I love the movies you listed, and I have not seen edward scissor hands in a very long time! Your video makes me want to go home and watch the movie tonight.

  2. I watched Edward Sissorhands with my kids (8 & 10) earlier this year! It made a huge impact on them. They talked about it for weeks! It might have been a little too intense for them....but I pretty sure it will end up being a text they will always remember!

  3. Love your last quote! I am such a Harry Potter nerd! I think I could quote all seven books :)

  4. Hey - Everyone has a geeky side - I think that the geeky sides are what makes us!! =) I loved your video! It was very cute. Edward sissorhands has always scared me!! And like I told Abby, I have never got into the Harry Potter series - but I think I will!

  5. I loved your video, very well done!! I also love Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton is just so amazing. Oh, and don't let me forget Johnny Depp- even with crazy make-up. Great video!

  6. Your video was awesome! I enjoyed it, especially the Harry Potter part.
