Monday, April 1, 2013

Farmer's Market Math

This is just the intro. I should have created the meat first, but I got sidetracked trying to figure out something else. I will re-post when it is more of a "game."

I have been frustrated because I've been thinking of this program in a linear way - I think it would help for me to start creating "chunks" of programming and stringing them together. One way this program could improve would be to be able to have several projects opened at once that I could copy and paste from to facilitate this process.... or to be able to merge projects.  Maybe it does do this and I haven't discovered it yet :).

 Farmer's Market Math Game


  1. Parts of the project I really liked are...
    I like that you made your StoryBoard so detailed. I hope you are able to make your game as detailed without ripping your hair out. I found myself frustrated several times while working on my draft, but I got it completed. I am excited for your final draft.

    Parts of the project that I would fix, change or add are.....
    As you mentioned in your post you haven’t worked on anything but the intro so it is difficult to answer this question.

  2. Parts of the project I really like are.... the concept is really cool. I like the use of the catlibs component.

    Parts of the project that I would fix, change or add are.... Add the farm name to the top of the sales receipt.

  3. See comments on Scratch website:).

  4. I like the pictures you used for your screens. I suggest that you test each screen after changes so you are sure that you are getting the results you want.
