Sunday, April 7, 2013

Farmers Market Math - draft 2

Still a work in progress - I got way too bogged down in details  (which is fairly typical of me...), it should sort-of work until level 2 before it goes a bit haywire. I'm working on it :)



  1. I liked the use of graphics that were engaging and will give the student something to look at. The farmer is really cute.

    I would like to see the pricing more realistic, a bunch of carrots would be $2 and the way the graphics are currently stacked it was impossible to see the ticket with the listing. I had to guess.

  2. I really like the Intro and the ability to name your farm! The game is strong in the area of supporting content knowledge! I also think it is engaging in providing students with an embodied identity to assume as they play the game.

    Suggestions for improvement: Perhaps the cost of items could be on separate images that look like price tags next to the items. As is I did not know the price of item.

    Consider providing a mechanism for the good games and learning principle “Just in Time” and “On Demand”. After the first "try again sweetie" provide a hint for figuring out percent. Then on the third attempt perhaps students can access a percent calculator. Here is a link to a Scratch percent calculator.

    I understand if you do not have the time a patience to make this work. But you can talk about how you would improve this if you had the time in your final reflection.

    I'm very impressed with your efforts and accomplishments so far!

    The point is not mastering Scratch but to apply the principles of good games and learning! Worry less about making the game work then thinking and writing about how the principles of good games and learning are being applied or could be applied you had more time and Scratching skills.

    Great work so far!

  3. I'm glad you found my comments helpful!

  4. Your graphics are great. I suggest that you move your score totals to the right side of the screen so they don't block stuff underneath them. You can do this in the preview window in the top right of developing in Scratch. You left click and hold it to drag it to another spot.

  5. Parts of the project I really liked are...
    I really like your game idea! I like that you talk to the farmer and then sell to a customer.

    Parts of the project that I would fix, change or add are.....
    I had difficulty with naming the price of the item because the girl stood in front of the item names.

  6. Your Click here is a little hard to read. When you show the fist customer it is a man - then a women is the one making the purchase. I can not see the bill enough to do the calculations.

    I really like the idea that you have behind your game and I think that you have really taught some very valuable lessons with this game. I believe with a few minor adjustments to the display of your sprites and backgrounds everything will run smoothly and your students will love to play this game. Great Job

  7. I really liked how you added the explanation of how to get 10% in your game - I think that this will serve as a great learning tool for the students.

    I still am having trouble viewing the bill in the background which makes it a little difficult to do the calculations of the carrots.

    Other than that your project is looking great.
