Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 9 - game idea

This game idea came about because I have been developing a lesson plan around Customer Service Certification tests that my students need to pass. Right now, the current lesson is a series of somewhat dry videos and its been hard for some students to pay attention enough to get through, so I am hoping an interactive game might help supplement my lesson plan. I also wanted to add some Math practice, because some of my students might not find the game challenging enough, and need practical examples of when they would use Math concepts such as percentages....

What is the academic concept students will be involved in as they play the game?
Customer Service skills & Using estimation with percentages. It is particularly important to stress certain terms that the students need to know in order to answer questions on the certification test - including the 3 tenets of customer service: good service, anticipating questions and promptness.

What is the story line?
You are a waiter who must wait on a customers. A customer enters your restaurant, the hostess is busy on the phone talking to her boyfriend, their are others waiters milling about. The customer needs seated.... you step up to seat him (bonus: because you stepped up, he requests to sit at one of your tables!). The customer needs to know what the specials are and what you might recommend, based on your ability to “anticipate the questions”, your tip percentage increases. You must give congruent messages (voice, verbal & body messages), and a good answer in order to continually increase the tip percentage. After the food is served, the customer is unhappy with his sandwich and wants to send it back. You have a choice of reactions, which will again increase or decrease the tip. At the end of the meal, you are responsible for totaling the bill, and presenting the bill to the customer, who will then tell you what percent he is willing to tip and ask you to use estimation to figure it out for him.  (all options will be given as multiple choice that will reflect questions asked on the certification test).

Who is the main character?

A waiter at a as yet to-be-named restaurant
What does the main character do to win the game? 

 Get a 20% tip. This could also be incorporated into the storyline: pay his rent, be recommended for management training etc.

What challenges will the main character face to move up a level?

Serving the need of his customer by providing Prompt service (level 1 - sitting the customer), anticipating questions (Level 2 - presenting daily specials and recommendations), and providing Good Service (Level 3 - sending his order back to kitchen and providing a “bonus benefit” - free desert, meal comped.... or something to that effect...).

Scratch Example I liked:

I liked how this game gave options and wanted you to type in answers. I wonder how I could include that option in my game (at least some of the time).

1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous idea for a game! I'm really looking forward to the final project! Be sure look for games that do the kinds of things you envision and poach their scripts!
