Sunday, March 24, 2013

Double Entry Journal 8

"Brandy’s case illustrates that computation can be used as a way to tell stories or to create personally meaningful artwork in the case of the birthday card. Computation is also a learned skill that becomes useful as youth, even those like Brandy that are unable to read, can use for creative production." (Kafai & Peppler)

I think I responded to this quote because I use digital media as a form of creative expression. Although I have never had problems with reading or writing, I have often found times when it is hard to express myself orally or in writing. I especially find this hard when I am trying to convey complex thoughts or feelings. I have also used digital media as a form of basic expression - for example, I am terrible at drawing (my stick figures are crooked!), but I have used computer applications to circumvent this handicap multiple times. 

I am particularly interested by the opportunity video game design presents for creative expression in boys. Two years ago I taught a media workshop at the local highschool, and although I had a pretty even mix of boys to girls, it occurred to me that boys were clamoring for ways to express creativity. I hypothesize that boys have a harder time finding acceptable mediums to express themselves creatively, although they have as much need for expression as any of us. I think certain cultures (including American and Appalachian culture), discourage boys to express creativity. Although I think general statements can be misleading, I do believe that digital media and video game design is, in general, a place boys have found more acceptance to express creativity.

Additonal Resource:

This is a study based on an out of school workshop that taught video game design. The interesting thing about this particularly workshop was that the instructors were young people,  11-16 years old, who were too advanced to take the class. This study focuses a large part on the instructors learning, and most of the participants were male. Although it is rather lengthy, I found the segments called "Literacy learning and video games" followed by "Method" on pages 6-8 to be of particular interest.

Cited Sources:

Kafai, Y., & Peppler, K. (n.d.). Collaboration, computation, and creativity: Media arts practices in urban youth culture. Retrieved from



  1. For the final project in this class you will need to conduct a literature review. I think the focus of your literature review should be on the potential for video game play to support adolescent boys expressions of creative and literacy development. Your questions might be:

    How do video games support the development of digital literacies?
    How can the development of digital literacies through video game play support literacy development in school?

    This article is perfect for your literature review!

    I also bookmarked it for a paper I'm working on right now. Thanks!

  2. Great connections as to how you use digital media to show creativity! Writing, though necessary, is not the only way to express one's self.

  3. I like the quote you chose and your response. The use of digital media is becoming harder to avoid. I had never really thought about it like you said, but boys do tend to search for ways to express themselves.
    I enjoyed your resource. The study was interesting and informative.
    Thanks for sharing!
