Saturday, May 25, 2013

EDUC 6809 - Introductory Post

Where you are from and what do you do:

Hello! I'm Vanessa. I live in Pocahontas County, but I'm originally from the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio.  I am an Adult Basic Education/SPOKES Instructor in Pocahontas County.  I help people earn their GED and teach SPOKES- a 10 week academic and job readiness class

I am also currently teaching a digital storytelling workshop for middle school students in the evenings. I started my "teaching career" teaching teenagers how to make video and audio documentaries. I love teaching all things digital, but also have a love of all things Math, Social Studies & Science  (Grammar - not so much :P)!

I teach a little bit of everything, and really love it! It's quite perfect for me because I'm interested in many things - this job allows me to pass my curiosity and passion for life-long learning onto my students!

What do you want to get out of the class?

I have always been interested in multi-media and new literacies. I feel very passionate that the idea of "literacy" needs to be expanded.  I want to get out this class new ideas that I can put into practice in my classroom and in digital workshops. I am particularly interested in teacher learning, and hope to discover resources to share with my peers.

YouTube Video - The Essential Elements of Digital Literacy

A cartoon:
 - maybe not exactly what you were looking for, but I kinda like it - so here you go:


TedxTalks (2012, March 22). TEDxWarwick - Doug Belshaw - The Essential        Elements of Digital Literacies. Retrieved May 27, 2013. from

Margmeijers (2008, May 25).  New Literacies for a New Age. Retrieved May 27, 2013. from


  1. Do you miss Cleveland? I bet it was a culture shock when you first moved here. I was still a child when my family made the move and it took awhile to get used to.

    1. I don't miss Cleveland at all - My parents and family, YES, a bunch... but I love the quiet and beauty of West Virginia. It wasn't complete culture shock because I've lived in eastern Kentucky and rural Ohio before, so I knew what I was getting into!

  2. The workshop you're teaching sounds great! I love seeing the technology projects my students create. They have so much fun doing it.

  3. You seem very busy! I wish you the best in all of your teaching jobs!

  4. Welcome from another Ohioan. You will absolutely be my go to person for digital story telling. I'm taking another class that has that and I have no idea what I will be doing. Students have such an imagination, glad you help them expand that.

  5. Nice to meet you Vanessa! It sounds like you are very passionate about what and who you teach.

    The workshop you teach in the evenings sounds really interesting. I work with an afterschool program and I'm blown away by the different attitude students have after school. I thought they would be tired and ready to go home but as long as they're engaged they're relaxed, creative, and happy to be there, especially since they're using technology.

  6. I'm glad you love math, because I do too! That's why I teach it and am going back to school to get my Masters in it. I have to agree with you about grammar. I'm not a big fan of editing written texts; however, I do love to read and write.

  7. Glad to see a familiar face and it looks like we have 2 classes together this semester! Best of luck! You seem just as busy (if not busier) than me!

  8. Oh my goodness. I can relate to the audio and video interests. My background is in radio and television. Math? Not so much. I'm curious, which age group to you enjoy working with the most? Seems like you do well catering to all.
