Sunday, September 2, 2012

Photo Analysis

Step 1. Observation
Study the photograph for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items. Next, divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible.
My first impression of the first photograph is that Presdent Obama is looking strange. The lighting casts a stark shadow across the one side of his face and he has an intense look on his face. He is dressed pretty casually. The background is unfocused. His head is titled and his ear is visible and a prominent feature of the photograph, which makes it appear as if he's listening
Use the chart below to list people, objects, and activities in the photograph.
mouth, with his lips pursed together.
President Obama
constrained forehead, pursed lips, leaned forward
blurred background
blue, white, green -is POTUS outside or just have his back to a window?
Business Casual - more relatable, but also serious

Step 2. Inference
Based on what you have observed above, list three things you might infer from this photograph.
1. The President is not giving a speech - he is present to listen to others, and he is listening intently and with concern. He is stationary - he isn't going anywhere - leaned forward, engaged, and gives the impression that he is sitting down.
2. He is either in an outdoor setting or sitting indoors with his back to a large window (more likely, considering the stark lighting.
3. The president is part of a group - I would infer that he might be listening to a small, intimate group of concerned citizens.
Step 3. Questions
What questions does this photograph raise in your mind?
Where is he? Who is he listening to? What's in the frame around him - what did the photographer leave out? What is that in the background - why did the photographer decide to keep that out of focus?
Who is he listening to? What setting is he in? Where is he? What's in the background?
Where could you find answers to them?
If I knew who took the photo, or what day I could google the name of the photographer and "Gulf Coast oil spill" with the date and hope to find more photos taken from that space. I could also read the article that accompanied the photograph for more clues. I could look at alternative news sources to see if I could find other photos that match the background or his shirt.

Step 1. Observation
Study the photograph for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items. Next, divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible.
My overall impression of this photo is that President Obama looks confident and in control. Upon further inspection, The other men (almost all older white men) look like they are businessmen and they look happy. The Uniformed man looks like he is from the Coast Guard and is looking at the President. There are several people on the tower of the ship that look as if they are "on the look-out"
Use the chart below to list people, objects, and activities in the photograph.
President Obama
Leading a group - seems comfortable and in control
Men to POTUS' right
business casual - seems happy.
walking slightly behind President
Man in light green shirt
business casual dress
looks more concerned - seem like he is trying to catch up. Looks like he is talking.
Man in uniform
Coast Guard uniform, maybe? looks official
The only one who is actually looking at the President,
Asian looking man behind light green shir
looks concerned, trying to keep up. - interesting he is the only non-white.
Tower of ship
People with binoculars - flag flying, very center of phto - slightly over Obama's right shoulder.
Concrete blocks
Flanks the people on both sides - so they can only walk one way
Coast guard or Industrial looking "stuff"
Slightly blurred, but still in focus enough to see that the government (and industry?) is "doing something.
Step 2. Inference
Based on what you have observed above, list three things you might infer from this photograph.
1.) The president is meeting with Oil Industry leaders and the Coast Guard surveying the clean-up efforts.
2.) The government and Industry is working together to address the spill.
3.) The president and industry leaders are confident and happy about the progress of the clean-up.
Step 3. Questions
What questions does this photograph raise in your mind?
1.) Who are the people that surround the President and what kind of influence do they have on him?
2.) What is the Coast Guard's role in the clean-up - are they just "overseeing" the process.
3.) Who took this picture? What has their presentation of the Gulf Oil Spill been and what bias are they showing?
Where could you find answers to them?
Looking at multiple alternative news sources would be my first stop in researching what this photo is presenting. I would also look at the different articles from this newspaper to try and identify an overall bias. I could also look at the publisher of the paper, and their parent company and then find what other companies they own or have a stake in.


  1. Excellent observations and inferences made based on those observations. I'm actually going to post links to the articles the images were in next week. One student noticed that Obama might even being wearing the same shirt in each of the photos. I think she is right. It is amazing how different people interpret images differently. However in this case all students except two said the action Obama rather serious Obama made them more confident in his leadership abilities. Interesting......

  2. When I first looked at the two photos, my gut reaction was that action Obama was the clear "winner" in terms of making me confident in his leadership abilities. It wasn't until I started to analyze the photo and made the realization that "action" Obama was probably a photo-op, while questioning who the other people in the shot was, or what message was being fed to me that I made the surprising decision that "serious" Obama actually gave me more confidence in his leadership abilities. It was an interesting exercise for me!
